Christiana Peppa

Marketing & Sales Associate

Christiana Peppa is the Marketing & Sales Associate at Vivestia. She supports marketing activities, participating in content creation, social media management, and events. She generates material and newsletters for effective company promotion while maintaining active communication with clients, complementing the sales process.Passionate about VR technology, she sees its potential in transforming accommodation booking and supporting sustainability goals. Christiana envisions immersive experiences reshaping hospitality, aligning with environmental objectives. Her dedication to VR underscores Vivestia's innovation, setting new industry standards.

Christiana Peppa


Contributions during during SX-2024:
Pitching Session
Main Conference
April 25, 2024 3:15 PM
INSPIRATION-Supporting INnovative StartuPs towards cIRculAriTy inclusION
An introduction into the Greek startup ecosystem and the INSPIRATION Project.
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